Believe in YOU

One of the major blocks I find when working with clients, is when they feel they are in competition with others, either personally or professionally. What I want you to know is that there is NO competition!  EVER. When you were born a masterpiece was created that is unique.  This masterpiece is YOU.  There is …

Dogs And Unconditional Love

I have often heard the term “unconditional love” thrown around when it comes to relationships, and giving love with no strings attached.  But I really learned what unconditional love truly is from my 2 Golden Retrievers – Max, who passed in 2016, and his Brother Milo, who passed in 2012. They gave me love – no …

Stepping Stones

Sometimes we get discouraged when what we want does not come as quickly as we had hoped.  You must trust that as long as you have set your intention on what you want, and you are taking action and believing that it will show up in your life, then it absolutely will manifest.  However, it …

Remember to ask for Divine help

We are often faced with difficulties in life.  Sometimes it is just about decisions that we are having a hard time making.  Other times it is sadness, frustration, worry, and the like. Whenever I am facing such difficulties, I always ask for help and Divine guidance.  Do you do this too? There is a power …

Do You Have a “Love” Environment?

Well Valentine’s Day has been and gone.  It’s a time when some are happy and celebrating love with their special someone, while others feel very sad and alone. I want to speak to those who are in the “feeling sad and alone” category  🙂 If you have struggled in the past with love, and having …

New Year Resolution Meltdown

You know what it’s like – every year we make those New Year’s resolutions, with enthusiasm and determination that we will reach our goal!  Woohoo!  Can’t wait to get started!  Right?  Only to find that as each day and week passes, the further away the goal seems to be, and the more frustrated and depressed …

7 Easy Steps To Improve Your Mood

When you are feeling good, good things happen.  This is a great exercise to get yourself feeling in a better mood FAST. STEP 1:  Find a place that is quiet and peaceful for you with no distractions, and get yourself into a relaxed position (sitting or lying down is fine).  You want to first “quiet” …

Trying To Figure People Out?

Do you ever drive yourself crazy trying to figure people out?  Things like – Why did they say that?  What did they do that for?  Why do they treat me that way? Instead of trying to figure people out and over-analyzing WHY they do or say certain things – look instead within yourself, and examine …

What Are You Nurturing Lately?

How important is brushing your teeth to you?  Would you ever consider not brushing, for a few days, a week, a few months, or even a year or more? Probably not, right?  Why?  Because your teeth would deteriorate and you would most likely be in considerable pain. So why is it that we feel we …

Pay Attention To How You Feel

Well hello there! I have been practising as a Life Coach for quite some time now, and it occurred to me that I have not posted ANYTHING on my blog for…well, a very long time.  My plan was to keep people updated on what was going on in my World, and at the same time …