Well hello there!
I have been practising as a Life Coach for quite some time now, and it occurred to me that I have not posted ANYTHING on my blog for…well, a very long time. My plan was to keep people updated on what was going on in my World, and at the same time share my message with others as well as any helpful information that they could use in their lives. So I intend to do a better job of that – starting TODAY!
One of the things I often talk about in my coaching practice, is how the way that you feel in any given moment greatly affects the outcome of your day. Because of this fact, it makes sense then to pay close attention to your feelings, and know when you need to change them. Now this may not be new to many of you, especially those of you who have heard of the Law of Attraction — but whether you are aware of this or not, do you have the “it is what it is” mindset and just let your day go by as if on auto-pilot? Or, do you consciously decide that you are going to take control, and deliberately create the day you want?
To help my clients with this, I teach them processes that they can use to “change” the way they are feeling FAST, so that they can be deliberate creators. They notice the improvement immediately!
Now I wouldn’t be a good coach if I didn’t follow my own advice! So of course I use these processes regularly myself, to change my thoughts and feelings when necessary, and therefore my day. A very powerful exercise to do in conjunction with this, is to keep a journal – a Gratitude journal is great, because reminding ourselves daily of things we are grateful for is very powerful, and keeps our vibrational energy high. But also, an Evidence of Abundance journal is an excellent one to keep. In here, you jot down a note every time you notice abundance in any area of your life. In particular, when I have used a process to enhance my mood, or increase my positive energy, I will take note of how things have improved – then make a note of it in my journal. This not only adds to the high energy you are vibrating after reminding yourself of the great thing that just happened, but it also gives you “evidence” of how the Law of Attraction is working in your life, and THAT makes things very exciting!
So while faithfully using these processes to make sure I am in alignment with my inner being and putting out positive vibrational energy, so far this month I have received – unexpected cheques, a cheque that was double the amount I anticipated, good news from my Lawyer, a new client referral, a bill that I was supposed to pay that was cancelled, a call from a close friend that I was missing, and some great new “ah-ha” moments that gave me some new and exciting ideas for my website, and a ton of motivation. That’s all just THIS MONTH so far!! It works…you really should try it!
Until next time…
Love deeply, laugh often and be happy!